Source code for dfdatetime.precisions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Date and time precision helpers."""

import decimal

from dfdatetime import definitions

[docs] class DateTimePrecisionHelper(object): """Date time precision helper interface. This is the super class of different date and time precision helpers. Time precision helpers provide functionality for converting date and time values between different precisions. """ # pylint: disable=missing-raises-doc,redundant-returns-doc
[docs] @classmethod def CopyNanosecondsToFractionOfSecond(cls, nanoseconds): """Copies the number of nanoseconds to a fraction of second value. Args: nanoseconds (int): number of nanoseconds. Returns: decimal.Decimal: fraction of second, which must be a value between 0.0 and 1.0. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @classmethod def CopyToDateTimeString(cls, time_elements_tuple, fraction_of_second): """Copies the time elements and fraction of second to a string. Args: time_elements_tuple (tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int]): time elements, contains year, month, day of month, hours, minutes and seconds. fraction_of_second (decimal.Decimal): fraction of second, which must be a value between 0.0 and 1.0. Returns: str: date and time value formatted as: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss with fraction of second part that corresponds to the precision. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class SecondsPrecisionHelper(DateTimePrecisionHelper): """Seconds precision helper."""
[docs] @classmethod def CopyNanosecondsToFractionOfSecond(cls, nanoseconds): """Copies the number of nanoseconds to a fraction of second value. Args: nanoseconds (int): number of nanoseconds. Returns: decimal.Decimal: fraction of second, which must be a value between 0.0 and 1.0. For the seconds precision helper this will always be 0.0. Raises: ValueError: if the number of nanoseconds is out of bounds. """ if nanoseconds < 0 or nanoseconds >= definitions.NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND: raise ValueError( f'Number of nanoseconds value: {nanoseconds:d} out of bounds.') return decimal.Decimal(0.0)
[docs] @classmethod def CopyToDateTimeString(cls, time_elements_tuple, fraction_of_second): """Copies the time elements and fraction of second to a string. Args: time_elements_tuple (tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int]): time elements, contains year, month, day of month, hours, minutes and seconds. fraction_of_second (decimal.Decimal): fraction of second, which must be a value between 0.0 and 1.0. Returns: str: date and time value formatted as: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss Raises: ValueError: if the fraction of second is out of bounds. """ if fraction_of_second < 0.0 or fraction_of_second >= 1.0: raise ValueError( f'Fraction of second value: {fraction_of_second:f} out of bounds.') year, month, day_of_month, hours, minutes, seconds = time_elements_tuple return (f'{year:04d}-{month:02d}-{day_of_month:02d} ' f'{hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}')
[docs] class CentisecondsPrecisionHelper(DateTimePrecisionHelper): """Centiseconds (10 ms) precision helper."""
[docs] @classmethod def CopyNanosecondsToFractionOfSecond(cls, nanoseconds): """Copies the number of nanoseconds to a fraction of second value. Args: nanoseconds (int): number of nanoseconds. Returns: decimal.Decimal: fraction of second, which must be a value between 0.0 and 1.0. Raises: ValueError: if the number of nanoseconds is out of bounds. """ if nanoseconds < 0 or nanoseconds >= definitions.NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND: raise ValueError( f'Number of nanoseconds value: {nanoseconds:d} out of bounds.') centiseconds, _ = divmod( nanoseconds, definitions.NANOSECONDS_PER_CENTISECOND) return decimal.Decimal(centiseconds) / definitions.CENTISECONDS_PER_SECOND
[docs] @classmethod def CopyToDateTimeString(cls, time_elements_tuple, fraction_of_second): """Copies the time elements and fraction of second to a string. Args: time_elements_tuple (tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int]): time elements, contains year, month, day of month, hours, minutes and seconds. fraction_of_second (decimal.Decimal): fraction of second, which must be a value between 0.0 and 1.0. Returns: str: date and time value formatted as: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.## Raises: ValueError: if the fraction of second is out of bounds. """ if fraction_of_second < 0.0 or fraction_of_second >= 1.0: raise ValueError( f'Fraction of second value: {fraction_of_second:f} out of bounds.') year, month, day_of_month, hours, minutes, seconds = time_elements_tuple centiseconds = int(fraction_of_second * definitions.CENTISECONDS_PER_SECOND) return (f'{year:04d}-{month:02d}-{day_of_month:02d} ' f'{hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}.{centiseconds:02d}')
[docs] class MillisecondsPrecisionHelper(DateTimePrecisionHelper): """Milliseconds precision helper."""
[docs] @classmethod def CopyNanosecondsToFractionOfSecond(cls, nanoseconds): """Copies the number of nanoseconds to a fraction of second value. Args: nanoseconds (int): number of nanoseconds. Returns: decimal.Decimal: fraction of second, which must be a value between 0.0 and 1.0. Raises: ValueError: if the number of nanoseconds is out of bounds. """ if nanoseconds < 0 or nanoseconds >= definitions.NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND: raise ValueError( f'Number of nanoseconds value: {nanoseconds:d} out of bounds.') milliseconds, _ = divmod( nanoseconds, definitions.NANOSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND) return decimal.Decimal(milliseconds) / definitions.MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND
[docs] @classmethod def CopyToDateTimeString(cls, time_elements_tuple, fraction_of_second): """Copies the time elements and fraction of second to a string. Args: time_elements_tuple (tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int]): time elements, contains year, month, day of month, hours, minutes and seconds. fraction_of_second (decimal.Decimal): fraction of second, which must be a value between 0.0 and 1.0. Returns: str: date and time value formatted as: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.### Raises: ValueError: if the fraction of second is out of bounds. """ if fraction_of_second < 0.0 or fraction_of_second >= 1.0: raise ValueError( f'Fraction of second value: {fraction_of_second:f} out of bounds.') year, month, day_of_month, hours, minutes, seconds = time_elements_tuple milliseconds = int(fraction_of_second * definitions.MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND) return (f'{year:04d}-{month:02d}-{day_of_month:02d} ' f'{hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}.{milliseconds:03d}')
[docs] class DecimillisecondsPrecisionHelper(DateTimePrecisionHelper): """Decimilliseconds (100 microseconds) precision helper."""
[docs] @classmethod def CopyNanosecondsToFractionOfSecond(cls, nanoseconds): """Copies the number of nanoseconds to a fraction of second value. Args: nanoseconds (int): number of nanoseconds. Returns: decimal.Decimal: fraction of second, which must be a value between 0.0 and 1.0. Raises: ValueError: if the number of nanoseconds is out of bounds. """ if nanoseconds < 0 or nanoseconds >= definitions.NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND: raise ValueError( f'Number of nanoseconds value: {nanoseconds:d} out of bounds.') decimiliseconds, _ = divmod( nanoseconds, definitions.NANOSECONDS_PER_DECIMILISECOND) return ( decimal.Decimal(decimiliseconds) / definitions.DECIMICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND)
[docs] @classmethod def CopyToDateTimeString(cls, time_elements_tuple, fraction_of_second): """Copies the time elements and fraction of second to a string. Args: time_elements_tuple (tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int]): time elements, contains year, month, day of month, hours, minutes and seconds. fraction_of_second (decimal.Decimal): fraction of second, which must be a value between 0.0 and 1.0. Returns: str: date and time value formatted as: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.#### Raises: ValueError: if the fraction of second is out of bounds. """ if fraction_of_second < 0.0 or fraction_of_second >= 1.0: raise ValueError( f'Fraction of second value: {fraction_of_second:f} out of bounds.') year, month, day_of_month, hours, minutes, seconds = time_elements_tuple decimicroseconds = int( fraction_of_second * definitions.DECIMICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND) return (f'{year:04d}-{month:02d}-{day_of_month:02d} ' f'{hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}.{decimicroseconds:04d}')
[docs] class MicrosecondsPrecisionHelper(DateTimePrecisionHelper): """Microseconds precision helper."""
[docs] @classmethod def CopyNanosecondsToFractionOfSecond(cls, nanoseconds): """Copies the number of nanoseconds to a fraction of second value. Args: nanoseconds (int): number of nanoseconds. Returns: decimal.Decimal: fraction of second, which must be a value between 0.0 and 1.0. Raises: ValueError: if the number of nanoseconds is out of bounds. """ if nanoseconds < 0 or nanoseconds >= definitions.NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND: raise ValueError( f'Number of nanoseconds value: {nanoseconds:d} out of bounds.') microseconds, _ = divmod( nanoseconds, definitions.NANOSECONDS_PER_MICROSECOND) return decimal.Decimal(microseconds) / definitions.MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND
[docs] @classmethod def CopyToDateTimeString(cls, time_elements_tuple, fraction_of_second): """Copies the time elements and fraction of second to a string. Args: time_elements_tuple (tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int]): time elements, contains year, month, day of month, hours, minutes and seconds. fraction_of_second (decimal.Decimal): fraction of second, which must be a value between 0.0 and 1.0. Returns: str: date and time value formatted as: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.###### Raises: ValueError: if the fraction of second is out of bounds. """ if fraction_of_second < 0.0 or fraction_of_second >= 1.0: raise ValueError( f'Fraction of second value: {fraction_of_second:f} out of bounds.') year, month, day_of_month, hours, minutes, seconds = time_elements_tuple microseconds = int(fraction_of_second * definitions.MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND) return (f'{year:04d}-{month:02d}-{day_of_month:02d} ' f'{hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}.{microseconds:06d}')
[docs] class NanosecondsPrecisionHelper(DateTimePrecisionHelper): """Nanoseconds precision helper."""
[docs] @classmethod def CopyNanosecondsToFractionOfSecond(cls, nanoseconds): """Copies the number of nanoseconds to a fraction of second value. Args: nanoseconds (int): number of nanoseconds. Returns: decimal.Decimal: fraction of second, which must be a value between 0.0 and 1.0. Raises: ValueError: if the number of nanoseconds is out of bounds. """ if nanoseconds < 0 or nanoseconds >= definitions.NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND: raise ValueError( f'Number of nanoseconds value: {nanoseconds:d} out of bounds.') return decimal.Decimal(nanoseconds) / definitions.NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND
[docs] @classmethod def CopyToDateTimeString(cls, time_elements_tuple, fraction_of_second): """Copies the time elements and fraction of second to a string. Args: time_elements_tuple (tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int]): time elements, contains year, month, day of month, hours, minutes and seconds. fraction_of_second (decimal.Decimal): fraction of second, which must be a value between 0.0 and 1.0. Returns: str: date and time value formatted as: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.###### Raises: ValueError: if the fraction of second is out of bounds. """ if fraction_of_second < 0.0 or fraction_of_second >= 1.0: raise ValueError( f'Fraction of second value: {fraction_of_second:f} out of bounds.') year, month, day_of_month, hours, minutes, seconds = time_elements_tuple nanoseconds = int(fraction_of_second * definitions.NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND) return (f'{year:04d}-{month:02d}-{day_of_month:02d} ' f'{hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}.{nanoseconds:09d}')
[docs] class PrecisionHelperFactory(object): """Date time precision helper factory.""" _PRECISION_CLASSES = { definitions.PRECISION_10_MILLISECONDS: CentisecondsPrecisionHelper, definitions.PRECISION_100_MICROSECONDS: DecimillisecondsPrecisionHelper, definitions.PRECISION_1_MICROSECOND: MicrosecondsPrecisionHelper, definitions.PRECISION_1_MILLISECOND: MillisecondsPrecisionHelper, definitions.PRECISION_1_NANOSECOND: NanosecondsPrecisionHelper, definitions.PRECISION_1_SECOND: SecondsPrecisionHelper}
[docs] @classmethod def CreatePrecisionHelper(cls, precision): """Creates a precision helper. Args: precision (str): precision of the date and time value, which should be one of the PRECISION_VALUES in definitions. Returns: class: date time precision helper class. Raises: ValueError: if the precision value is unsupported. """ precision_helper_class = cls._PRECISION_CLASSES.get(precision, None) if not precision_helper_class: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported precision: {precision!s}') return precision_helper_class